Hymn: “Redemption” by Dora Greenwell

Hymn: "Redemption" by Dora Greenwell

08.22 Redemption

< img src ="https://upworksmn.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/hymn-redemption-by-dora-greenwell.jpg"width =" 817 "height="460"
alt= “08.22 Redemption”design =”height: car;
max-width: 100%; width: 817px;”> I am not competent to comprehend

What God hath willed, what God have actually
prepared; I just understand at His right-hand man Stands one who is my Savior. I take Him at His word undoubtedly:
“Christ craved sinners”– this I check out; For in my heart I discover a requirement Of Him to be my Savior! That He ought to leave His put on high
And come for wicked male to pass away,
You count it unusual? As soon as did I
Before I understood my Savior!

And, oh, that He satisfied might see
The travail of His soul in me
And with His work satisfied be,
As I with my dear Savior!

Yes, living, passing away, let me bring
My strength, my solace from this spring– That He who lives to be my King
When passed away to be my Savior!

Listen to the message “Wine, Women, and Self” by Alistair Begg

The lyrics for this hymn remain in the general public domain and might be shared or recreated without acquiring approval.